The Restoration
Its Friday again, this means we have another photo restoration time lapse video for you to enjoy. this was just one restoration out of 11 that I did for this customer to create a wonderful historic display. This was a challenging restoration of an old black and white photo. It was very small and very dirty. The quality of the photo means there is a shortage of details. Which makes the restoration a little difficult when trying to retain as much detail as possible whilst removing as much dirt and blemishes from the image. But the final result i think is very nice and a big improvement on the original.
Before and After

YouTube -Another Photo Restoration Time lapse
The restoration took a few hours but with the wonders of modern technology we are able to bring that to you in just a few minutes. Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel here and I hope to be able to bring you more of these time lapse videos each week. Share the videos on Facebook as well and help to spread the word.